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 I'm Candice Davies. 


What gets me up in the morning? Aside from the relentless calls of "mommyyyyyyy" (followed by a strong cup of coffee), it’s this:

Helping brilliant and passionate people grow their audiences and build a profitable online business with their content, systems and set up.

I know the whole world says it can do this for you. Most of that is cheap smoke with expensive mirrors.

But this?

This is bottom-up business-building that takes you and your accomplishments seriously. Using a smartphone, if that’s what you have available.

 I'm Candice Davies.

What gets me up in the morning? Aside from the relentless calls of "mommyyyyyyy" (followed by a strong cup of coffee), it’s this:

Helping brilliant and passionate people grow their audiences and build a profitable online business with their content, systems and set up.

I know the whole world says it can do this for you. Most of that is cheap smoke with expensive mirrors.

But this?

This is bottom-up business-building that takes you and your accomplishments seriously. Using a smartphone, if that’s what you have available.

 The Backdrop - How I Got Here...

Remember when you first discovered the online business world? That excitement of endless possibilities, the promise of "passive income," and the freedom to work from anywhere? When your social feeds suddenly fill with entrepreneurs working from exotic beaches, promising to share their "secrets" if you just sign up for their program?

Yeah, I've been there too.

After years of running various businesses, I thought I knew what it took to succeed and had it all figured out when I launched my first online business and I found myself diving headfirst into a whole new world.

And oh, did I dive deep.

My browser history became a graveyard of sales page tabs. My calendar was packed with "life-changing" webinars. I watched in awe as coaches flexed their "multiple 6-figure launches" and thought, "This is it. These people have the answers!"

With my background as a clinical therapist and years of entrepreneurial experience, I should have been more skeptical. But in 2020 I was staring at a closed business and an uncertain future, and those perfectly polished promises were intoxicating.

I bought the courses. Joined the high-ticket masterminds. Implemented the "proven" frameworks.
Each time thinking, "This one will be different. This one has the missing piece."

 But my first few years of online ventures were a crash course in reality. 

From launching a membership that barely got off the ground to creating courses no one completed, I learned the hard way that "just follow these 5 simple steps" rarely tells the whole story.

Want to know the most painful part?

Even as my bank account drained and my results stayed flat, I blamed myself. Clearly, I just wasn't "committed" enough, right? Wasn't "showing up" enough? Wasn't "playing big" enough? 

It took losing thousands in "investments" and countless hours chasing strategies that felt increasingly inauthentic before I finally saw the truth: 

Behind those glossy success stories and confident claims, I discovered a world of smoke and mirrors. Of cherry-picked results and convenient omissions. Of business advice built on shifting sand rather than solid ground.

Looking back now, I can tell you that hitting that wall was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

Because once I stopped chasing the fantasy, I started seeing the reality. I began applying my analytical mind in my online business. Started testing, measuring, and building my business based on understanding people and processes rather than hyped-up promises.

And most importantly?

 I vowed to never be part of the problem. 

 Today, I help online business owners like you cut through the BS and build something real.
No more guessing.
No more false promises.
No more trying to fit your unique business into someone else's "blueprint."

Just clear-eyed strategy, genuine support, and the unvarnished truth
about what it really takes to build a sustainable online business.
Because you deserve better than empty promises and recycled formulas.

 You deserve to know what actually works - and why .

 The Backdrop - How I Got Here...

Remember when you first discovered the online business world? That excitement of endless possibilities, the promise of "passive income," and the freedom to work from anywhere? When your social feeds suddenly fill with entrepreneurs working from exotic beaches, promising to share their "secrets" if you just sign up for their program?

Yeah, I've been there too.

After years of running various businesses, I thought I knew what it took to succeed and had it all figured out when I launched my first online business and I found myself diving headfirst into a whole new world.

And oh, did I dive deep.

My browser history became a graveyard of sales page tabs. My calendar was packed with "life-changing" webinars. I watched in awe as coaches flexed their "multiple 6-figure launches" and thought, "This is it. These people have the answers!"

With my background as a clinical therapist and years of entrepreneurial experience, I should have been more skeptical. But in 2020 I was staring at a closed business and an uncertain future, and those perfectly polished promises were intoxicating.

I bought the courses. Joined the high-ticket masterminds. Implemented the "proven" frameworks.
Each time thinking, "This one will be different. This one has the missing piece."

 But my first few years of online ventures were a crash course in reality. 

From launching a membership that barely got off the ground to creating courses no one completed, I learned the hard way that "just follow these 5 simple steps" rarely tells the whole story.

Want to know the most painful part?

Even as my bank account drained and my results stayed flat, I blamed myself. Clearly, I just wasn't "committed" enough, right? Wasn't "showing up" enough? Wasn't "playing big" enough? 

It took losing thousands in "investments" and countless hours chasing strategies that felt increasingly inauthentic before I finally saw the truth: 

Behind those glossy success stories and confident claims, I discovered a world of smoke and mirrors. Of cherry-picked results and convenient omissions. Of business advice built on shifting sand rather than solid ground.

Looking back now, I can tell you that hitting that wall was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

Because once I stopped chasing the fantasy, I started seeing the reality. I began applying my analytical mind in my online business. Started testing, measuring, and building my business based on understanding people and processes rather than hyped-up promises.

And most importantly?

 I vowed to never be part of the problem. 

 Today, I help online business owners like you cut through the BS and build something real.
No more guessing.
No more false promises.
No more trying to fit your unique business into someone else's "blueprint."

Just clear-eyed strategy, genuine support, and the unvarnished truth
about what it really takes to build a sustainable online business.
Because you deserve better than empty promises and recycled formulas.

 You deserve to know what actually works - and why .

 Things to Know About Me...


Although I like to think of it as an expression of my passion (*wink*). Never in a vulgar, crude way, more in a funny let's laugh about sh$#!t way! But I can't help it, sometimes those sneaky buggers just slip right out of my mouth.


You'll very rarely see me with a full face of make-up and beach waves. I'm more of a jeans, sneakers and pony-tail kind of gal.

Oh and I looooove a good hat!


Most of the time I'm a warm, positive person who loves to have fun and laugh. Although, my kids do periodically set my Netflix profile picture to the one of a demon - but in all fairness steal my chocolate and that's on you!

Things to Know About Me...


Although I like to think of it as an expression of my passion (*wink*). Never in a vulgar, crude way, more in a funny let's laugh about sh$#!t way! But I can't help it, sometimes those sneaky buggers just slip right out of my mouth.


You'll very rarely see me with a full face of make-up and beach waves. I'm more of a jeans, sneakers and pony-tail kind of gal.

Oh and I looooove a good hat!


Most of the time I'm a warm, positive person who loves to have fun and laugh. Although, my kids do periodically set my Netflix profile picture to the one of a demon - but in all fairness steal my chocolate and that's on you!


You’ll see that I have a superpower: the ability to dig into your world, spot what's missing and pull everything together for you.

*Cue for the heavenly angels to sing

I like to use an organised, step-by-step approach that leaves you feeling like you actually know what's going on in your business (call me crazy?!), so that you understand how everything links together and how you can get to work creating the success that up until now, has felt confusing and out of reach.

Ways We Can Work Together

You’ll see that I have a superpower: the ability to dig into your world, spot what's missing and pull everything together for you.

*Cue for the heavenly angels to sing

I like to use an organised, step-by-step approach that leaves you feeling like you actually know what's going on in your business (call me crazy?!), so that you understand how everything links together and how you can get to work creating the success that up until now, has felt confusing and out of reach.

Ways We Can Work Together

Just a high energy, mom bunning, cap loving, online business strategist whose allergic to bullsh$t! Oh, and I swear too.










Clients & Students






Just a high energy, mom bunning, cap loving, online business strategist whose allergic to bullsh$t! Oh, and I swear too.








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